Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year Possums!

Have you all collected your kits for the Pacesetter/New Balance run 2010 yet?

If you haven't done so yesterday (9-1-10) please collect it next 16th of January at Padang Merbok from 10am-5pm. A RM10 deposit will be needed upon collection of the time chip and is refundable after the race.

See you on the race day!


So, have you all prepared and get geared up for the race? I would like to share with all of you some personal points before we start off in the 20km race. This is purely based on personal experience, so it may or may not work for you.

1. Always remember to have at least 6 hours of sleep before running and ensure that you are not empty stomach - ensuring the optimum level of energy of your body.

2. This is a personal favourite: KNOW YOUR BODY WELL. If you are lactose intolerant, do not drink milk. If you are allergic to nuts, don't take nuts, etc etc. And make sure you do not eat any food or substance that may stall you during the race, for example stomach issues.

3. Drink enough water, not too much but enough to not feel thirsty until the next water station. Hydration is important in long distance running to avoid muscle cramps due to the higher consumption of water.

4. Find your pace, do not do sudden sprints or stops if possible, make sure you are running at optimum speed. Do not lose that momentum. Keep the sprinting power for the final kilometres.

5. Long distance running is not only a physical game... It is a combination of both physical and mental preparedness - and in most cases, the mind has more control over your body than your body over your mind. Find ways to understand how to overcome this to keep yourself motivated to finish the race. Some examples:
- Running in groups. This may not be possible all the time, due to different level of fatigue
- Listening to songs. This helps to set the pace, and timekeeping (5 songs = approx. 25-30 minutes).
- Set a target. Always look for a person in front of you who is running at a slightly faster pace and try to keep up to his or to overtake him. Setting many short term aims like that helps.

6. Do not force yourself, you know yourself best. If you start seeing stars, you know you should stop.

7. Run with your friends and run happily!

See you possums on the race day!

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